Family Life

“Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder”
The third century BC Greeks knew what they were talking about in some degrees...
We all look at beauty differently.  From the way we style ourselves, our kids, and our homes.  But one thing we can all agree on is there is beauty in our lives.
For some beauty is on the outside, for some on the inside...but let us try to strive for the beauty that is both inside and outside.  Being able to achieve that is a thing of beauty in itself.
Now this post is in the “Family Life” section, meaning it is going to focus on Family and Home.
I just wanted to share a tidbit of insight I had personally on a “tiny” matter to some, but a “pretty big difference” to me.


OMGoodness!!! Really!?!?! I JUST made you yesterday!  How can you look like this again?”exclaimed the happy homemaker.
Yes, it’s the bed I’m talking about!
Why is it so hard, since we were children, to stop and take time to make our beds?  Well for me the day gets so busy so fast.  I mean I'm good to get I few sips of coffee, a little scripture or two and a quick prayer in before my kids start asking, “What’s for breakfast?"...knotted hair and all...and often followed by, “What’s for dinner?”  WHAT!?!?! Are you kidding me?
Another post, another time...
Anywho, yes, the bed.
 You know I read something that actually validated something my mom had said to me long ago...”If you make your bed everyday, your room looks cleaner!!!”Thanks Mom!
And you know, she was right.  The bed takes up about 80% of the visual space in the bedroom and so wouldn't that seem obvious that it is what makes the room look messy when not made.  Well hey, it took me several years and someone’s book to remember what my mom was teaching me then and what I’m trying to instill in my young ones.
It definitely does help...even though there may be a few things on the floor the room looks better after the bed is made.

Happy Homemaking!

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