Sunday, May 4, 2014

Super Fun Hair Mask!!!
This is one of my and my girls favorite things to do...
We LOVE finding new, "kooky", homemade beauty regimens and giving them a try.  So today I "suffered" through for the sake of the blog lovers I have and did a hair mask. :) 
Here is how it turned out...

First you need: coconut oil,  castor oil (it is a GREAT beauty product!), an egg, and another oil like sunflower, sweet almond, or jojoba. 

I purchased all my products from Wal-mart with the exception of the huge jar of coconut oil from Sam's, but coconut oil is pretty popular now and you can find it many places. 

Now that you have your miracle ingredients, let's start mixing!

So, crack your egg in a bowl and whip it till its blended...
Then in a separate bowl, slowly melt 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil on the stove or microwave. I do 15 sec. intervals in the microwave until its in liquid form.
While that is melting, mix 2 Tbsp. sunflower oil, and 1 Tbsp. castor oil in egg bowl. When coconut oil is melted add that in too and mix it all together.
Then comes the fun part!!
Make sure your hair is brushed through and start scooping the mix out by hand and 
smearing it on your hair.
BTW, this isn't a clean process so make sure you are over the sink and wearing something that can get messy.

After you coat your hair, make sure mixture is worked through to ends, pin hair up
And cover with shower cap, or wrap plastic wrap around it, and let it sit for 30 mins.
Now after many years of dyeing my hair blonde (Surprise!! HAHA!) and birthing 4 kids, my hair has seen better days.  But I do have to say, I can definitely tell a huge difference after this mask is washed out.
So, after the 30 mins. wash it out using whatever you normally use.  But a few notes from someone who doesn't want to be held responsible for any unhappy experiences...

1. If you do NO 'POO,  (if you DO then you know what I'm talking about...if you DON'T then look forward to another informational post!) break down and use it in this case!  NO 'POO is great!!! The only way I wash (or don't wash) my hair, but regular hair oil is different from slathering your hair with 3 different types of oil and an egg, so NO 'POO won't get it out!

2.  You will have to shampoo at least twice to get the oil and egg out of your hair.  You can still use conditioner after the 
second lather and rinse.

3.  DO NOT USE HOT OR VERY WARM WATER!!! If you can not shower in tepid temp. water then, rinse and wash your hair in the sink but: DO NOT USE HOT OR VERY WARM WATER!!!
You will literally COOK the egg onto your hair and have to wash it out even longer!  (If only I had pics from those "friends of mine" who did not listen...)

Now here is a before and after shot of my hair today:
Now I don't know if you can tell but the ends of my hair are much smoother and definitely feel like hair and not straw!  

This mask can be done once a week and you can adjust the measurements based on your hair.  I actually need to start doubling my recipe since my hair has grown out. 

This mask helps strengthen and grow your hair. I have seen drastic improvements in my hair by using this. 

So, if you decide to jump in and try it out leave a comment so we know how it has worked for you! 
 I'd love to hear about any of your homemade beauty secrets, or if you have one you want to try but haven't, send it to me and I'll be the guinea pig...along with my daughters! HAHA!

(I would like to give credit to my photographer Nellie Helton for all of the pictures in this post. Thanks girlie!)


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