Friday, August 22, 2014

First Day Jitters...

Are You Ready For School?!!?

Seems like no matter how many years we have been homeschooling, I still feel inadequate at what I am to do.  I guess that's part of the Lord keeping me humble in it.  If I get too confident then will I depend on Him to get us through the year?  As I've been purging and refilling my kids school bins I feel the joy, the excitement, anticipation, and some doubt rising up inside.  "Is this going to be a successful year?  Will my kids be "on-track" scholastically?  How will we fit it all in?", are just some of the questions that echo in my mind as I finger through the pages of books yet to be explored. I know most of us homeschool moms, if not all, have the same concerns and questions about our children's educations.  I think every parent, regardless of where the child attends school, actually does.  There's a lot riding on those who educate the next generation, it's no small task.  Anyone who educates others knows how it feels to see them succeed and the heart break when a student fails.  We had an incident a few years ago, after the addition of our fourth baby, where I was not as on top of things as I had thought I was.  It all looked great on paper, but being consumed in "new mommy-hood" again, a lot went over looked.  By the time I realized my mistake it was a long time of recovery for one of my little learners and I carried the guilt of that for long into the next school year.  Determined to never let that happen again!  We, as home school moms, won't do it all perfect everyday, but we don't give in and give up either.  As we begin our upcoming year I know there will be mistakes both on my and the kids parts. I also know the one who lead us to this journey of homeschooling and that these children are first and foremost His and only He has control of how everything goes.  We each do our part, of course, but only through trusting Him and His ways will we be able to succeed.

"The lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord." Proverbs 16:33

Happy School Year!!!!

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